Turning 18 – Transitioning to Adult

When you turn 18, seeking medical care on your own is a new responsibly. Your parents can help guide you through seeking medical care. However, as an adult, you have the right and responsibility for your own medical care. This means that you can seek medical care without your parents’ consent and call to make your own appointments.

When calling for an appointment, let the nurse know which doctor you would like to see (if you have a preference), why you need to see him or her and when you need the appointment. Be sure to provide the most honest description of why you need to be seen so that an appropriate amount of time is scheduled. We will try to honor your request to see a certain provider as best as we can.

Your parents may come to the appointment with you, but you will need to check in and sign any forms yourself. You may be asked to sign forms to verify your contact information and financial responsibility.

You will need to provide your insurance card at every visit. This shows that you have insurance and allows us to verify that nothing has changed since your last visit. If you do not have your insurance card, you may be asked to sign a waiver of financial responsibility. If you do not have insurance coverage, payment for your visit will be expected at the time of service.

During your visits with our office, you will need to have the discussion with your doctor. Your parents may only be involved if you provide consent to do so.

Medical Records and Protected Health Information

For Young Adults (Patients 18 and older)
Under the federal Health Information Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, medical records are private information that is kept between you and your health care provider. Access to your health records and any discussion about your health is only provided to people you consent to, including your parents. If you would like your parents to discuss your health on your behalf, you must provide consent to your health care provider. You will be asked to complete the form titled “Authorization by Patient, Parent or Legal Representative for Another Person to Bring Child to Physician’s Office and Access to Protected Health Information (PHI)”. This form is used to allow your parents or anyone else to have access to your medical information. We must have this form on file to speak to anyone other than you about your health. The following consent form may be obtained from our website under forms, the link below or from our office.

HIPAA Authorization Form

For Parents
If you need access to your child’s records, your son or daughter must consent in writing to provide you access. Under HIPAA, medical providers no longer are permitted to discuss health issues without consent from your young adult. This is important to keep in mind when trying to call a health care provider with questions when your young adult is away at college. Your child will need to call himself or herself unless they have given written consent for us to speak with you.

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