Believe it or not, it’s time for school to start again. These organization tips can help you get ready for the school year whether your child is returning to school for in-person learning or staying at home for remote classes.

1. Know Your School District’s Action Plan

Make sure you stay up to date on your state and school district’s plan for the new school year. Many schools are planning on staggering students, alternating groups that come into the school, and doing part-time distance learning. Keep tabs on what those plans mean for you and your family. And be prepared for the plan to change, possibly more than once.

If your child is returning to school for in-person learning, make sure they know the safety guidelines they need to follow to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This includes guidelines for social distancing, wearing masks, washing hands, and more.

2. Organize a Study Area

During the school year, it’s good for your child to have a designated study area. This will be especially valuable if remote learning is necessary. It should be somewhere with a good work surface that can accommodate books and computers. Make sure it is quiet so they can concentrate and well lit so they can read and write without straining their eyes.

If the school does go virtual (even part-time), make sure your study spot has the necessary technology and see if you can devise a schedule that works with your own commitments for work.

3. Start Your Routine Early

One of the best organization tips for back to school is to get kids (and yourself) back into the swing of the school routine several weeks before school actually starts. If you didn’t keep their standard bedtime during the summer, it’s time to start enforcing it again. Same thing with when they get up. This way they’ll be primed for a more formal schedule and the transition out of summer will be smoother.

4. Get a Planner or Calendar

Another basic organization tip is to use a planner or calendar. Having your appointments and events written down somewhere that can be easily referenced makes things run a lot more smoothly. Some families like having a large calendar in a common space like the kitchen where they can check their schedules and make sure they know what they need to do.

5. Plan Meals

Since schedules become a little more rigid during the school year, a good idea for back to school prep is meal planning. Make a list of ideas for lunches that are nutritious and easy to pack. It’s also helpful to make a list of meals you can put in the dinner rotation.

If you want to go even further with your organization, go ahead and prep meals ahead of time and freeze them. You can also arrange snacks in the fridge to pack in lunches and for kids to easily grab on their own.

6. Organize Sports Equipment Every Week

If your child is participating in sports this year, make life easier with this organization tip. Get a car organizer or bin and put it in your trunk. Before each week begins, pack the bins with all the sports equipment you’ll need for the week.

7. Plan Outfits in Advance

This back to school organization tip will help you save time in the morning. On Sunday nights, sit with your child and plan their outfits for the week. You can have a little fun going through their closet and putting together looks. It will take a little time out of your Sunday evening, but it will save you a lot of stress throughout the week.

8. Make a Library Book Box

If your child brings library books home a lot, you know that it’s no fun when they get misplaced. Get a box or bin and put a fun label on it to indicate it’s for library books. Keep borrowed books in the bin anytime that they aren’t being read. Then when it’s time to return them, you know where they are.

9. Create An Entry Space

If you have room in your home, create an entry space by the door that helps you store things and keep them handy. Shelves and cubbies can help organize backpacks, shoes, umbrellas, and jackets. If you don’t have an actual mudroom, this is the next best thing.

10. Set Up a Filing System

Get a file box or cabinet and set up a system to keep all of your documents organized. Make spaces for your own things like bills and other important paperwork. Also create files for things related to your child including medical documents, school reports, or anything else you want to be able to find later.

Make an Appointment

The team at Carithers Pediatric Group is here to provide comprehensive care for your children at all stages of life. During this time, the safety of your family and our team members is of the utmost importance. Please read the Carithers Coronavirus Emergency Action Plan to stay up-to-date on our policies. If you have questions or want to make an appointment, call our Riverside office at (904) 387-6200 or our Southside office at (904) 997-0023.