One of the hardest parts of being a parent is…parenting. As the year closes, it is easy to look back and see where you felt you could have done better. That is completely normal. We first want to encourage you to celebrate everything you have done right! Then you might reflect on possible changes. A great way to do this is by setting parenting resolutions for the new year. It allows you to reflect while offering constructive planning on making a difference.

Your situation is unique, but our team at Carithers Pediatric Group spent time thinking of the most common resolutions we see parents making this year. Maybe you’ll relate to them, or they will help you figure out what yours are instead!

Resolutions For Parents In 2023

Rethink Routines

The new year is a great time to rethink routines for you and your family. If your child is starting new clubs or sports in the spring, they may need a different schedule. It is easy to figure out school and work hours, but the extra-curricular activities make it more challenging. Making time for meals, socializing, and maintaining quality time can be a big ask when it gets busy. There are a lot of great resources out there that can help you make a schedule the whole family can see. You could even let your child put their own activities on the calendar so they start to understand time management. Looking ahead helps us to make good choices about our family’s priorities rather than letting the busyness of life take over.

Always Prioritize Quality Time

Quality time looks different for every family and in different seasons. The element that is common is an environment where parents and children are enjoying something together and their focus is not distracted with other things. It may be throwing the football, having meals together (anywhere), talking during car rides or before bed, going to a park, or watching a favorite show together. It looks different for every parent and child, with their different personalities and interests. The key is full engagement of the two parties, which can be difficult for both! But the worth is invaluable!


Your child has probably noticed that you are always on your phone or other devices. If you are setting this standard for the child, there is no surprise that they are interested in technology as well. They may notice that you become distracted and harder to communicate with during those times. When they see you finding joy in the day apart from your electronics, they will see that it is something they can do. Parenting during the age of technology is already difficult. Make it a little easier by limiting your own exposure.

Spend More Time Listening

As a parent, there are many times that you have to talk to your child. However, your child has a full life going on that can benefit from the listening ears of a parent. Without even knowing it, your child could impart knowledge that helps you understand them further.

Active listening can help you improve communication with your child through conversation. You do not often realize how much attention your child gives your interactions. However, making this essential now can foster a strong relationship as they continue to grow.

Adopt a few healthy habits

Small changes towards a healthy lifestyle can go a long way. Commitments towards more variety of whole foods, better sleep schedules, awareness of the value of our planet, or more fun exercise can become natural for them when we start it at their young age. Conversations surrounding these things instill values that last a lifetime!

Every day is a new day to make a positive change for your child. While resolutions can feel impossible to keep, these can be incorporated into your everyday routine with your child. They may not see the difference immediately, but in the long run, they can benefit from your care and support. Are you interested in learning more about parenting and parenting tips? Carithers Pediatric Group has resources and information that can help you learn about any topic you may need. Check out our website or give us a call for more information.